Fishing season kicks off in Xinjiang's Bosten Lake
2023-07-09 22:53:12 来源: 中新网新疆
Bosten Lake, China‘s largest inland freshwater lake in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, ended the fishing ban of more than three months on Friday。
Fishermen have sailed to the lake and caught the first net of the new fishing season。
With 32 fish species in the lake, Bosten Lake is Xinjiang‘s largest fishery production base and the largest organic fish production area in China。
In recent years, the local government has taken the conservation of aquatic living resources as an important measure to improve the ecological environment of Bosten Lake waters。
It has effectively increased the number of fish stocks in Bosten Lake and protected the sustainable development of fishery resources by implementing measures such as special management during the fishing moratorium, artificial breeding and release, and publicity of fishery laws and regulations。
The lively harvest scene makes the fishermen laugh and rejoice and makes the tourists who come to watch the fishing ceremony feel the unique folk customs and humanistic charm of Bosten Lake。 It is understood that every year from March 1 to June 20 is the fishing ban for Bosten Lake, and the fishing season will continue until the end of February next year。
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